Monday, December 17, 2012

We had a contract on our house - but, it has become clear that God had a different plan :).  So, that plan has taken a detour...For the present and near future, we'll be renting the house to two friends.  Please pray with us that when we return from our trip that we'll have clearer direction on whether to continue renting or putt it back on the market.....we are not disappointed but we are curious to find out where this is leading....hmmm?

Last night we had our family Christmas party for those family members that live in the Atlanta metro area - what a great time we had of - too much! -  food, fellowship and laughter.  The grandchildren that were able to come - ranging in age from 3 1/2 to 19 - were a delight and kept us laughing most of the night.  We love our family, are grateful that we get to spend quality time with those that are close by and miss like crazy those that we don't see so often...

Our next adventure will take us to Colorado - by way of Kansas City - for our final phase of US based training!  We'll be leaving Georgia a couple days after Christmas and headed to Kansas City and the One Thing Conference hosted by the International House of Prayer.  We are so looking forward to a time of getting away with the Lord - time spent at the conference and then time spent in the prayer room afterward - before heading to 5 weeks of training.  We'll be staying at the home of a friend and hoping for a little down time with them as well before we head out to Colorado Springs.

We've heard wonderful reports about MTI in Colorado and are looking forward to our time there.  However, it will be C O L D!  LOL - Ellen is a Georgia girl and has never really experienced the harsh winters of the north so it will be a challenge for her for sure!  Dave grew up and spent most of his adult life in Vermont so it will be a somewhat familiar situation for him (even though he's not lived in that cold climate for 17+ years).

We are (always) praying for God's will to be done in our lives.  We are hoping that means that shortly after returning from MTI we'll be packing for Ghana.

God is faithful.  God is good.  Even (especially) in the midst of trying times God is faithful.  God is good.  We are thankful for our faithful and good God that leads us in the path of righteousness for His namesake.  Trusting that He has a plan - and it is for our good - as we continue to take steps in the direction of Ghana full time.....  We are looking forward to quality time spent with family and friends as we make this journey!  Some family members that I (Ellen) haven't seen in 45+ years!  Others that we haven't seen since our wedding almost 3 years ago....

Traveling mercies - we'll be driving 3,000+ miles in the next 7-8 weeks - we're asking for extreme provision that will keep traveling expenses to a minimum - we are also hoping to participate in a couple of friend dinners (fundraisers) on the way back to Georgia from Colorado - please pray with us for God's perfect provision.

We love you guys and are very grateful for your prayers and support!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wow - it seems like it's never a dull moment for us!  Ha, ha - but God is good, He is gracious, and He checks on us all the time!  Giving us strong hints sometimes and other times bonking us on the head.  It's all relative to how well we're listening.

After a wonderfully uneventful trip from Kumasi back to Accra we spent the night at our friends' house and then on Monday morning headed out for what we thought would be a 2 1/2 day retreat/unwind before returning to Accra for our last appointment and heading to the airport on Wednesday evening.

On Monday night, however, I got this nagging feeling that we needed to check our email.  The only problem was that the place where we were staying didn't have internet access.  So, we made plans to go into town on Tuesday morning to get a mobile modem so we could access the internet.

A short time after breakfast we secured a taxi and completed our errand without issue and returned to the hotel.

The internet was slow and access was trying but it felt important that I stay focused and at least get into the email account.  Dave, in the meantime, wanted to go have a conversation with a gentleman we had met on Monday afternoon so off he went and there I stayed.

After about 15 or 20 minutes I was finally able to get into the email account and what do you think I found?  A B I G surprise!

It was an email from Delta telling us it was time to check in for our flight from Accra to JFK.

WHAT?!  We weren't leaving until Wednesday night, this email shouldn't have been sent on Monday night.  But, wait a minute.....what does that say?  The flight leaves Tuesday, not Wednesday?  Wait...that's today!  Oh no!!!

Ok, so picture this - it is approximately 11 a.m. - our flight check in time was 6:30 p.m. - we were at least 2 hours away from our friends' house in Accra where the rest of our luggage was - waiting for us to pick it up on the way to the airport.  We didn't have a car - didn't know when the bus ran - and felt quite helpless really to get from where we were to where we needed to be in time.

So, I ran out of the room down to the beach to retrieve Dave and back to the room we went.  We stopped, took a deep breath, sat on the bed and prayed, "Lord, we know that this didn't catch you by surprise.  We know that you have a plan to get us where we need to be.  We trust you.  Amen"

So, one step at a time, we gathered our belongings and Dave headed over to the registration desk to check us out and find out if they could get a taxi for us that could take us all the way to Accra.  Not only were they gracious enough to refund us for one of the days we had paid for, but they called a taxi and arranged the price to get us back to Accra.

The taxi ride was awesome - our driver friendly and fun to talk to.  We arranged to be picked up at the American Embassy by our friends' driver who would then take us the rest of the way.

By the time we met Jasper it was going on 4:30 p.m. - it's looking like we might make it, but traffic is terrible!  (Always is terrible in Accra)  We run by the house to repack our bags, throw them in the car and head to the airport.

An interesting side-note - while we were in Ghana we got an email from Delta telling us that we had been upgraded to Silver Medallion status.  That was great news!  We knew that at the Accra airport that would mean we'd be able to hang out in the Akwaaba lounge so we were hoping for some time to decompress before getting on the plane to head to JFK.

We got to the airport - got the car unloaded - and checked in with plenty of time to spare!  Thank you Jesus :).

After hanging out in the lounge for a while - filling up on food and drinks (we had missed lunch and dinner!) we headed to the gate only to find out that our seats had already been upgraded to Business Class!


This is just one day of our journey - know that almost everyday was like this.  We had a plan and sometimes our plan and God's plan were the same.  Sometimes they were different. But every change was an upgrade!  Just like the upgrade from coach to Business Class!

God was very clear to us - individually - that Bolgatanga is His choice for us.

We know that this will prove to be an upgrade!

Thank you for praying for us - it's through your prayers that we remained alert and attentive - that our eyes and ears remained open and we saw and heard accurately.

Here's our picture - getting settled in on our return flight from Accra!  We're pretty happy!

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012 - Kumasi, Ghana

We are on a “vision casting” journey to Ghana.  We’ve been in Ghana since 9/25 and so far have traveled from the far, far south (Accra) to the far, far north (Bolgatanga).  The journey has been fun all along the way…even when we weren’t sure how we would get from one place to the next, God threw open doors and made passage easy!

Now we are in Kumasi and in a few days will either travel by air back to Accra – or – since the airport in Kumasi is currently closed (smile) we may travel some other way…we have several options but won’t really know until sometime Saturday afternoon which option has the “all clear” from the Lord.

Once we return to the south we’ll travel over to Cape Coast for a brief retreat before our last meetings on 10/10 and our late night journey back to the US.

We’ve had a wonderful time.  We’ve reconnected with old friends and made many, many new ones.  God certainly is at work in this wonderful country and has prepared a place for us here.  We are looking forward with eager anticipation to not only how He’s going to move in and through us once we move here early next year, but also how He’s going to move us back to the south of Ghana in just a few days!

We continue to covet your prayers as we travel the last leg of our journey – with eyes and ears wide open listening for “the voice behind (us) that will tell (us) when to go left and when to go right”.

Sunday, September 9, 2012



We just found out that Alex is most likely going to have a short pass between trainings at Fort Benning!  How exciting that Dave will be able to visit with him briefly before graduation in October.

Our Ghanaian daughter, Charity, is doing great and is now in her 3rd trimester!  Please keep her and baby Ellen in your prayers - repeat C-section will be scheduled somewhere around Thanksgiving.

We've had quite a bit of activity on the house - no offers yet.  "Our" perfect timing would be to get a contract just before leaving for Colorado with a closing date after we return :) -


We'll be doing quite a bit of traveling in the next few weeks - our itineraries are pasted below - please keep us in your prayers!

Georgia -
September 20-23, - Ellen at Emmaus retreat
September 22 - Dave visiting with Alex for Mid-cycle break

Ghana -
September 24 - Dave and Ellen leave for Ghana
September 25 - Arrive in Ghana; visit with Gilbert & Brenda & Brian  (Charity's husband and children)
September 26 - Visit Akosombo and the rehab center that's in operation there
September 27 - Fly to Tamale, take bus or taxi to Bolgatanga
September 28 & 29 - Stay in Bolgatanga
September 30 - Church in Bolgatanga then travel to Tamale
October 1 - 3 - Stay in Tamale
October 4 - Travel to Kumasi
October 5 & 6 - Stay in Kumasi
October 7 - Travel to Accra
October 8 & 9 - Retreat
October 10 - Meet with Presiding and Admin Bishops in Accra (2 p.m.)
October 10 - 10:30 p.m. depart for Atlanta
October 11 - mid-morning; arrive in Atlanta

Some of the time while we're traveling around we'll be visiting and reconnecting with friends in Ghana.  However, the primary purpose of this trip is to spend time praying in the areas  of Tamale and Bolgatanga - asking for discernment and the Lord's leading as we make preparations for the move early next year.  The reason for the retreat is to spend time reflecting on what the Lord has shown us before we return to the US and the busyness that quickly follows.  Our appointment with the Bishops in Accra will be a time of vision casting with them and asking for their partnership.

Please pray for us - that we'll stay strong and healthy - with ears and eyes wide open.

Vermont -
October 17 - 20 - Travel to Burlington VT to visit with Dave's brother & sister in law

Georgia -
October 24 - 26 - Travel to Ft Benning for Alex' graduation from AIT

We would love to share with your Sunday School Class or other small group what Jesus is doing in Ghana and how He has called us to partner with Him.

Please contact us with your dates and we'll get you on the calendar!

Dave - 678-925-3328
Ellen - 678-429-2077

We love you all so much - it's so wonderful to be traveling on this journey with you!

Sunday, August 26, 2012!  Where does the time go?  I know we've all had that thought before so it's not unique - but, just the same, how does it slip away from us so easily?

The Lord gave me (Ellen) fresh insight to a passage of scripture last week - one that's very familiar to us all and yet, I never saw this before...

Luke 9: 10-13
On their return the apostles told him all that they had done. And he took them and withdrew apart to a town called Bethsaida. 11 When the crowds learned it, they followed him, and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God and cured those who had need of healing. 12 Now the day began to wear away, and the twelve came and said to him, “Send the crowd away to go into the surrounding villages and countryside to find lodging and get provisions, for we are here in a desolate place.” 13 But he said to them, “You give them something to eat.”

So, the things that Jesus showed me last week?  Well, His disciples had just returned from their journey, He wanted to go on a retreat with them ("he took them and withdrew") however, the people wouldn't let him ("when the crowds learned it, they followed him").  I would have most likely been impatient and tried to shoo the intruders away, but what did Jesus do?  He welcomed them.

Wow - another great example of loving others more than yourself.  Of laying down your desires for the desires of others.

Not only did he welcome them, he taught them and healed them.  (vs.11)  Then as the day went on, the disciples pointed out to Jesus (as if he needed them to point out anything to him) that the people were hungry.  Their logical thought was to send them away so they could buy food.  Jesus had a better idea - he told the disciples to feed them and there followed one of the most incredible banquets of all time.

So, Jesus welcomed, taught, healed and fed the masses.

Sounds to me like Christian Action at its core.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Making Progress...

We've both been home now for two full weeks!  Thank you for your prayers as we continue to seek God's guidance as we fill our days -

Taking one task at a time over the course of the last few days we've "mostly" gotten the yard in shape (Dave did 95% of labor while I admired his handiwork!)  And it is beautiful - most weeds gone, poison ivy successfully poisoned, flowers planted, hanging baskets filled and hung, and 75 bags of cypress mulch later....

We've scraped and painted 4 interior windows with only 14 to go!  The decks have been scrubbed and Dave is in the process right now of sealing them.  On the list for today is scraping as many of the downstairs interior windows as possible and washing those blinds as well...painting them will be for another day (perhaps Monday) as Dave has an away from the house appointment for early afternoon...

This week-end we are attending a missions conference at a local church - looking forward to re-connecting with old friends and making new ones as we continue to spread the news of what Jesus is doing in Ghana.

We are reading an incredible book - "The Great Omission" by Dallas Willard.  Wow.  What a truly is not for the faint of heart - this little book is showing me how most (dare I say "all"?) of my instinctive decisions are made with my best interests at heart - "how with this benefit me?"  "will this make me happy? rich? popular?"

He makes a point early on in the book, "That brings out a profoundly significant fact.  In our culture, and among Christians as well, Jesus Christ is automatically disassociated from brilliance or intellectual capacity.  Not one in a thousand will spontaneously think of him in conjunction with words such as "well informed," "brilliant," or "smart.""

Wow.  Guilty.

Dave and I have been reading through the Chronological Bible during our devotion time daily.   I've read through this before.  However, this time it has struck me over and over how the Israelites (in the modern day that would be us) over and over again did "what was right in their own eyes".  I'm struck by this as all too often - maybe routinely without giving it a second thought, I am guilty over and over of doing "what was right in (my) own eyes".  Here's another direct quote of this powerful book, "...practicing Jesus' words, as his apprentices, enables us to understand our lives and to see how we can interact with God's redemptive resources, ever at hand.  This in turn gives us an increasing freedom from failed intentions as we learn from him how to, simply, do what we know to be right." 

Mr. Willard points out most of us have not been discipled and we are not making disciples...he even mentions that we should be making disciples of our unsaved friends, neighbors and acquaintances...obviously it would look different in all types of situations but the reality is a lot of people will never come to know Jesus because they've been "turned off" by those who claim to know Him.

So, I am convicted today (again) to look for Jesus everywhere - as I sweep the floor, prepare meals, scrape windows,  wash blinds, and even writing this blog...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012 & Monday, April 2, 2012

What's happening on those dates you ask....

Well, Friday, March 30, 2012, (TODAY!) is Dave's last day at his "work for pay" job...he will officially retire from the job that he's had for 16+ years - a huge step full of hopes, dreams, sadness and joy - it's joyful to turn the page on a new chapter of life, but it's a little bit sad as well.  Dave will be leaving behind friends that he's worked alongside and with for many years. So, even while it's fun and exciting to be moving forward, it's a little sad to be moving on...

Monday, April 2, 2012, we will be setting aside as a day to pray and fast - ready to eagerly move forward, but wanting desperately to stay in that place of following the Lord's leading.

Prayer Points,This week has been and promises to continue to be a week full of God's glory - we've found out about 3 different rehabilitation facilities (2 appear to be faith-based) that have recently been established in Ghana - in the southern areas - one of which was started right here in our home town...not sure if this knowledge has revealed doors we're to walk through or windows to look through.  We'll be attending a training seminar all day Saturday with the folks we've been working with locally in a faith based addiction recovery program...and meeting some of the national leaders in this US based organization as well as the international director.  Not sure what the outcome of all of this will be - we just keep walking in the direction that the Lord is leading.

We love you - all of you - and are very grateful for your prayers and encouragement...please be sure to let us know how to pray for you....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One More Step...

This past week-end we traveled to Reidsville, NC and Mt. Carmel UMC for their Missions Conference.  It was a wonderful experience in which we made many new friends!  We are thankful that Mt. Carmel UMC contacted The Mission Society and requested that someone come.  We pray that the Missions Committee be blessed beyond measure for the labor of love and time as well as their commitment to the fulfillment of the Great Commission!

Dave and I took turns speaking to the Sunday School classes on Sunday morning - the adults and the children/youth areas were set up in two different spaces.  We told stories and shared our hearts - not only for Ghana but for the least - lost - unreached peoples of the world.

We then spoke together to the congregation after Sunday School was finished.

Our fervent prayer is that someone (maybe several someones!) that heard what we said was awakened to their role in this great task...that they will be fearless in the pursuit of the desires of their heart - Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not COMMANDED you to be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God, is with you EVERYWHERE you go!" (emphasis mine)

I pray for all of you that you would be fearless in pursuit of your dreams - the desires of your heart - God is with you.  He said He would be and He is not a man that He could lie...

Joshua 1:5 (NIV)

5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Much love,
Ellen for the Bartletts

Current Prayer Requests -
- That we will keep our eyes on Jesus - joining Him is what He is doing
- That we will stay focused on the "to do" list until all that we can do has been accomplished
- That JOY would be our constant companion

We would love to share the vision that the Lord has given us with your church or small group - please contact us at

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Story....

I thought it might be a good idea to share with you some of our experiences and stories as we prepare to continue moving forward...Enjoy!

Village of Life

We are excited to share with you a little of Jesus’ story as it relates to our lives –

The mission statement of The Mission Society is:

The Mission Society exists to
mobilize and deploy the body of Christ globally
to join Jesus in His mission,
especially among the least reached peoples

We have joined Jesus in His mission to some of the least reached peoples of Ghana in West Africa. 

The Bible says:

Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
 1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. 

So, what is Jesus’ Mission to Ghana?  We believe that one part of it is bringing freedom to the captives

Isaiah 61:1-3 (NIV)
 1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me,
   because the LORD has anointed me
   to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
   to proclaim freedom for the captives
   and release from darkness for the prisoners,[a]
2 to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor
   and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
   instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
   instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
   instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
   a planting of the LORD
   for the display of his splendor.

You may or may not be aware of the issue of slavery that is thriving in the world today – even as I speak there are thousands – maybe hundreds of thousands worldwide – of children that are being sold, caught, or kidnapped and forced into a life of slavery.  More than 24,000 of these children are enslaved annually (estimate by Challenging Heights, a Ghana based NGO) in the fishing industry on Lake Volta in Ghana.

We first became aware of this situation in November 2010.  We were on a plane headed back to Atlanta from Accra, Ghana after a brief but supernatural visit. 

The flight had originated in Liberia where there had been computer issues regarding the seating assignments – as a result, when we boarded, the flight attendants instructed everyone to just take an empty seat – so picture this – a half empty plane, being boarded (almost, if not completely) to capacity and boarding passengers being instructed to “just take a seat” – Dave was sitting in his assigned seat, however, I was not nor were the passengers in front of us.

As we were getting settled in, the gentleman in front of us noticed a book in the seat back pocket (“When Helping Hurts” by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert) and asked who was reading it?  This started quite a conversation – one that not only changed the course of our lives over the next few months and following summer but now has altered the course of our full-time ministry in Ghana. 

The gentleman’s name is Brad Guatney (Global Health Innovations) – a full time medical missionary who travels throughout Africa and Haiti.  Brad started talking to us about the time he had just spent on the lake (Volta) in the Volta Region of Ghana.  He and his team had been to the islands of the lake and done health assessments on the children that lived there – with just a little more prodding we discovered that the children he had been assessing and treating were slaves…

According to Wikipedia, Lake Volta is the largest man-made reservoir (by area) in the world.  A dam was built and the valley flooded in 1961 by the convergence of the White and Black Volta Rivers.  The dam generates power for much of the country as well as neighboring countries of Togo, Benin and others. 

In the middle of the lake lie many, many islands that are only accessible by boat.  It’s on these islands that the slave children are taken.  There is no way of escape for them so even when they do develop the courage to get away there’s nowhere for them to escape to.

The slave master perceives the children as a “tool” to be used in his work.  Most of the time the thought doesn’t occur to these men and their wives that these are children – children that need to be protected and provided for – but only as slaves that do the difficult and dangerous work so that their children don’t have to…while the slave master’s children are in school or playing or doing chores in the community, these slave children are made to dive into the dark waters of Lake Volta to untangle the fishing nets that have gotten caught on the underwater trees or other debris.  If the children come up before the net is untangled, they are beaten and sent back down – often several times.  Many times in the course of this mistreatment they become exhausted and drown.  Often they are attacked by crocodiles or electric eels which also kill them or leave them maimed…

The girls that are taken as slaves start out usually as house help for the slave master’s wife – they cook, clean, haul water, dry fish, and take care of the children of the slave master and his wife.  As they get older their usefulness is increased as they are prostituted – often to many men in a single night.

How does this happen?  How do these children end up here?  Frequently the children are from small, small villages – villages without electricity, often without schools – villages where illiteracy is rampant.  The families have never read a newspaper or heard that children are dying in the fishing industry – the families are very, very poor – often single parent families (the mortality rate for men and women is high) with many mouths to feed.  Frequently a supposedly well-to-do man will come to their village and offer to take the children and raise them as his own – with promises to send the children to school and give them jobs so that they can send money back home to care for their families.  Frequently the single parent is sick and in need of medicine they have no money for and the visitor will give them the money they need – as well as take one or two children off their hands with promises of a better life for the children…it’s all a sham and a lie -  the children leave and most often never see their families again…

There is a Ghanaian man who God is using, along with his partnering US organization, to open the eyes of the world to what is occurring in Ghana on Lake Volta.  We heard about him as we researched and read about the situation after we returned home from our week-end visit.  We talked to friends about our new friend (the man we met on the plane - Brad) without yet mentioning his name – as we were telling them that we had met a man – they started telling us about a man that friends had told them they needed to meet – two completely separate events that led to the same man – Brad, our new friend.

These friends and the two of us were in the early stages of planning a return trip to Ghana the following summer – planning a two week mission trip with healing and restoration as the focus.  Even as we were trying to make contacts and get organized the whole focus of our trip changed – we knew that we had to check this out, see it for ourselves, and pursue what Jesus was doing in Ghana as it related to these children.

With Brad’s introduction we were invited to join a group that was planning a health fair for the following July with the focus being on the children that had already been rescued.  There were approximately 65 of them that were housed at a Christian boarding school in the southern part of Ghana.  We were excited about this health fair and being part of what God was doing in the restoration of these children, but we knew that for us, there was more to the story – that we had to go to the starting point - we needed to see for ourselves what was going on on the islands and allow the Lord to speak to us about our potential involvement in this healing process.

Through a series of connections we found our way to Kete Krachie, Ghana – Kete Krachie lies at the tip of a peninsula on the northern end of the lake.  The Lord gave Dave a dream about a spearhead – when he awoke from the dream he went to the kitchen to look at the map of Ghana that is hung there and saw that Kete Krachie was at the tip of what appeared to be a spearhead shaped peninsula…from then on there was nothing that could stop us from getting there.

It was a long journey by road that took us to Kete Krachie and the Village of Life – this school/home houses the teenagers that have been rescued from slavery on the island of Lake Volta – boys and girls.  Here we met a most incredible family and saw with our own eyes the beautiful picture of restoration – the bright and shining faces of these teenagers! 

This family – George (his now deceased wife, Hannah), his son George Jr. and wife Rebecca, as well as sons Kofi and Prince all work to rescue the children from slavery and provide for them a safe, warm and loving home where they are restored…through God’s grace and mercy and healing power of His great love, these children grow and learn.

We got word before we left the US that there were approximately 43 children in the Village of Life – we didn’t know how they were divided in number between boys and girls but thought that there were about 11-12 girls and the rest were boys.  A friend that was struck by the enormity of what God was doing here was struck by the thought that since these children for the most part have no idea how old they are, no idea where they come from, and no idea even of when they were born – that it was a very real possibility that they had never had a birthday party – to us in the states birthday parties are big deals so to think that these children had gotten to whatever age they are and had never experienced the joy of their birth being celebrated was overwhelming.  So, we decided to give them a birthday party!  Ha, ha – we had no idea what we were doing or how to do it – it was a walking it out daily – sharing the vision with others, often weeping over the pain and realization of the lives these kids had experienced – depending on the Lord Himself to show up and lead us.

One friend brought in 13 pink T-shirts, various sizes; another donated money; another had 13 beautiful necklaces and matching bracelets made; another paid the fee for extra bags to be checked – all in all we ended up with 35-40 boys t-shirts, new underwear and sandals (varying sizes) and 13 pink t-shirts (varying sizes), new undergarments (varying sizes) and 14 gift bags of jewelry.  We packed Hostess cupcakes (in strawberry pink as well as chocolate!), candles, tissue paper, gift bags, and miscellaneous small gifts to fill the bags further.  We took party hats and balloons as well!

We shared with George Jr. and his wife Rebecca that we wanted to give the children a birthday party and Wednesday night, July 17 was the day chosen for the event.  That evening after dinner and after daily chores had been completed, we all gathered in the evening and separated the boys from the girls while their gifts were handed out – to avoid embarassment as the undergarments that were included in the bags were unwrapped.  Afterward everyone reconvened and cupcakes and soft drinks were passed all around – there were quite a few more children than had been estimated (same number of girls, however) so the gifts were divided and the cupcakes cut in half – plenty to go around and a few left over.  So, on July 17, 2011 in Kete Krachie, Ghana we sang Happy Birthday to about 65 children that had never had a birthday party, had never blown out a birthday candle, had never seen a cupcake before, and had never received a gift all packaged in a cute bag with ribbons and bows – and now 65 children have adopted July 17 as their birthday!

What an incredibly sweet gift from God for them but also for us – many, many tears of joy streamed down our faces as we gave each child their present and looked them in the eye and told them we love them – much fun and laughter as the party went on and on – with the children playing the drums and doing a dance that was representative of their culture – another part of their education, being taught their heritage through music and dance.

This is the story of HOPE – the story of REDEMPTION – the story of Jesus and His Mission in the Lake Volta area of Ghana in West Africa – these children have been redeemed – their feet have been set on the solid path – the path that leads to a bright future where their stories will be told and this heritage of slavery broken once and for all.

This is just one part of what God has called us to in Ghana – however, even this is way bigger than we can accomplish under our own power or in our own strength.  This is a God sized project and without Him we can do nothing – so we are depending on Him fully for every step that we take.

We don’t really know what our involvement will be or how it will look – to the children that live in the Village of Hope we are like grandparents - something they have never had; we have already added George and his family to our ever growing list of heart friends – and we know, that we know, that God is in it – that He will lead us and that He cares about these children as well as the rest of the children that are sold into slavery everyday all over the world…

Friday, March 2, 2012

Today is a new day....

Ellen talking...Today, March 2, 2012, marks the end of my (getting paid to work) "working" career - what a strange feeling that is just to write those words.  I've worked almost without interruption since June 1968 when I graduated from high school...a little time off here and there birthing babies and moving from one city to another but that's about it.  The job that I left today I had been at for 18 1/2  That's a long time :).

So, what's next?  The next few weeks will be spent getting organized, keeping appointments, and preparing to take the next step...getting a house ready to sell.  The next 4 week-ends are busy attending conferences, speaking at a church in North Carolina, having a family birthday party, attending a one day seminar and having dinner with friends...

Oh yeah - and one more thing.  Preparing for Dave to end his "getting paid to work" career...

Please keep us in your prayers as we transition to this new way of life - we know that God is in it - He is leading the way - this has so far been way too easy for there to be any other explanation - but there are still challenges ahead - mostly challenges to trust and keep on trusting as the timing and strategy unfold before us...

Current prayer requests/calendar events:
Home Team Meeting - Marietta, GA - Saturday March 3
Global Outreach Week End - Smyrna, GA - March 9-11
Speaking Engagement - Reidsville NC - March 17-18
Unlocking the Heart of the Artist Conference - Marietta, GA  March 23-24
Family Event Marietta, GA - March 24
Dave's last day at work - March 30
Training Seminar - Alpharetta, GA March 31

Monday, February 27, 2012

Moving Forward....

A lot has happened since our last blog!  My last day at work will be this Friday - March 2 - and Dave's will be March 30!

Thanks for the prayers!  That was a huge answer to prayer - especially for Dave's retirement date as it wasn't clear previously....

Just today we received our first formal invitation to speak at a church!  We are so excited to be able to share our hearts with others - pray for us that our thoughts and words will be clear and that we'll be able to share with others the passion that Jesus has planted in our hearts for the ministry assignments we have waiting for us in Ghana.  Please pray for us that we have lots of opportunities to share in the upcoming months...

So, now we progress through our goodbye's to our friends in our respective workplaces - I've worked at my current employer for almost 19 years and Dave has been at his job for over 16 years - in that length of time you make a lot of friends and they become family - we are excited to move forward but a little sad to say goodbye...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Moving Forward....

During the past year the Lord has opened doors and pushed us through those opened doors in the process of preparing us to move to Ghana, West Africa as cross cultural workers.  Some of those opened doors can be best described in the timeline that follows...

  • In the Spring of 2011 we applied to be part of The Mission Society; 
  • In late summer of 2011 we were accepted for the Candidate Assessment Week in September; 
  • At the end of the Candidate Assessment Week we were approved to become part of The Mission Society family
  • We attended Foundations Training in November 
  • We were blessed to be able to attend the annual Day of Prayer at The Mission Society offices in December
  • Then were able to shoot down to Florida for 2 days of the Regional Meeting where we received more training and met cross cultural workers from all over the world!

What a joy and a thrill all of this has been!

We've made so many new friends - right here in the Atlanta metropolitan area as well as all over the world.  Our lives are full and blessed.  We are so thankful for the wisdom that is so freely shared and the gentle direction that we have received.  We are so thankful for the team that stands with us and reminds us regularly that they are with us.

We are so thankful for family and forever friends that have walked with us - individually and as a couple - up til now and that will be with us as we continue to move toward the goal - a goal that for many years was only a dream and now is on the verge of becoming a reality.

God has been and continues to be faithful - He called us - now He is preparing us and soon, very soon! - He will send us.  Oh how He loves us!  We are hopeful that in January 2013 we will be on a plane headed for the destiny that is waiting for us...

Our plans are held loosely - we are wise enough to know that God plants dreams and visions in our hearts that propel us forward, however, in our finite minds we can't really comprehend what that will look like once we reach the other side...

We both have that "adventure" spirit - something you may or may not know about us is that as children we each longed to be a "Hobo" - not necessarily a homeless person destitute in spirit and circumstances, but a much more romantic concept of traveling light - moving around frequently - with the thrill and excitement of discovery as your constant companion.  Isn't it amazing, wonderful and beautiful that God would put such a desire into two individuals only to keep that fire stoked as we matured and then put us together as husband and wife so that we can fulfill that longing with a wonderful, like minded, best friend?

The Lord planted in my heart that explosion of possibility in the course of a simple conversation with a doctor from India...He used Dave's parents working for a US company in Ghana to plant in him a love for the Ghanaian people and a sense of "home" - even as a college student visiting his parents on school breaks.

More recently the Lord has taken us to Ghana several times, created for us a Ghanaian family both here in the US and in Ghana - and planted in our hearts new dreams and visions.  This time not just for adventure and discovery but also to fulfill part of His plans and purposes for our lives as well as the precious people of Ghana.

We became aware of the need for a faith based recovery program for alcohol and drug addictions and set out to find a program that has a history of success.  We found several and are continuing to explore and be trained (both through twice weekly meetings and more formalized training).

We became aware of the ongoing issue of human trafficking - the Lord has emphasized to us the trafficking of children specifically focusing on the restoration of these children once they are rescued.  Then the Lord created relationships - both Ghanaian and American - with others that are working in this area.

We have become more and more aware of the least reached peoples in the northern half of Ghana and the Lord has graciously provided for us training and relationships with others that will enable us to step out into this area of ministry as well.

Any one of these things is way more than we can do on our own - we have come to realize over and over that if what we were going to do - if what our plans centered around - was within in our own abilities to accomplish it would probably not be from God.  If what we are looking at appears impossible - then that is exactly where God wants us to be - living in a posture of total dependence upon Him.

God is providing for all of our needs daily as we move forward - some of the events we have coming up over the few weeks and months are -

  • twice weekly recovery meetings
  • facilitator training for a recovery program
  • cross cultural training in Peru
  • facilitator training and international team meeting in California
  • MTI training in Colorado Springs

And in the midst of all these things - Dave's son Alex will be graduating from High School and going off with the Army.  And we have a list of books to read and guided reading forms to be completed.  Fortunately for me my last day of work will be March 2.  We are still praying about when Dave's last day of work will be.

All of this would be overwhelming if it were simply a list of tasks to be performed - under our own strength with our own power.  I won't lie that at times that is how we feel - but we know that none of these is too big for God - we know that He has called us - He has set our feet on this path - and He will be faithful to provide for us.

Sorry this is such a long update - it has been a while since we've shared anything and we are hoping that with the additional time that I have more regular updates will be forthcoming.

Prayer Requests -
Focus, focus, focus - that we would keep our eyes on Jesus
Dave's retirement date
Preparation of and selling a house
On-going training
Relationship building and nurturing
Partnership development

“I know what I’m doing.  I have it all planned out–plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen.
When you come looking for me, you’ll find me.
Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.
I’ll turn things around for you…You can count on it.”

Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)