Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012 & Monday, April 2, 2012

What's happening on those dates you ask....

Well, Friday, March 30, 2012, (TODAY!) is Dave's last day at his "work for pay" job...he will officially retire from the job that he's had for 16+ years - a huge step full of hopes, dreams, sadness and joy - it's joyful to turn the page on a new chapter of life, but it's a little bit sad as well.  Dave will be leaving behind friends that he's worked alongside and with for many years. So, even while it's fun and exciting to be moving forward, it's a little sad to be moving on...

Monday, April 2, 2012, we will be setting aside as a day to pray and fast - ready to eagerly move forward, but wanting desperately to stay in that place of following the Lord's leading.

Prayer Points,This week has been and promises to continue to be a week full of God's glory - we've found out about 3 different rehabilitation facilities (2 appear to be faith-based) that have recently been established in Ghana - in the southern areas - one of which was started right here in our home town...not sure if this knowledge has revealed doors we're to walk through or windows to look through.  We'll be attending a training seminar all day Saturday with the folks we've been working with locally in a faith based addiction recovery program...and meeting some of the national leaders in this US based organization as well as the international director.  Not sure what the outcome of all of this will be - we just keep walking in the direction that the Lord is leading.

We love you - all of you - and are very grateful for your prayers and encouragement...please be sure to let us know how to pray for you....

1 comment:

  1. You met me (Matthew Dunavant) and my friends at the training seminar! I'm so excited to pray for y'all and hear about the ways God will work in you and through you.
